Jesus said, "suffer little children, to come unto me..."
Matthew 19:14
Here at Hopewell Baptist Church, we believe that reaching the next generation is so important. Children will experience Christ like love through our activities and leaders. We offer Sunday School classes for all ages. There is a Children's Church service every Sunday Morning at 11:00AM. On Wednesday Nights at 7:00 we have a Master's Club program for all ages.

Mr. Sam and his wife Mrs. Bethany are our Childrens ministry leaders here at Hopewell! They love these kids and these kids love them! They are so excited each week to come see Mr. Sam and hear what he has to teach them! They enjoy fun singing, games, snack time, and a wonderful lesson prepared by Mr. Sam! Right now their theme is Joy in the Jungle! Their classroom is decorated with the theme and the kids love it! We hope you come and join us and we can't wait to grow our class!
Mr. Sam and his wife Mrs. Bethany are our Childrens ministry leaders here at Hopewell! They love these kids and these kids love them! They are so excited each week to come see Mr. Sam and hear what he has to teach them! They enjoy fun singing, games, snack time, and a wonderful lesson prepared by Mr. Sam! Right now their theme is Joy in the Jungle! Their classroom is decorated with the theme and the kids love it! We hope you come and join us and we can't wait to grow our class!

Mrs. Ginny and Mrs. Carolyn are our pre-school and kindergarten teachers in Sunday School! They both love the Lord and love to teach and guide our little ones toward Him! Every Sunday Morning they come prepared to teach the little ones and are excited to see what the Lord is going to do!

Mrs. Angela and Mrs. Ashley are our 1st through 6th grade teachers! They absolutely love these kids and can't wait to see them each week! The children love to ask questions and learn more about the Lord! They even get to earn prizes! They look forward to learning more about the Lord and some have even trusted Christ as their Savior!

Here at Master Clubs the children are taught so much about the Lord! We have a class for our 3-5 year olds, a class for our 1st-3rd graders, and a class for our 4th-6th graders! Each teacher helps our children to learn about the Bible and to learn how to memorize verses to say for the church on Sunday nights! They have so much fun and look forward to each week of playing games, singing songs, and learning about Jesus!